The Return of Creative Chutzpah…

Powerful weekend of resolutions & transformations!  Pluto station (10/8) + Aries full moon (10/9) + 10:10 portal (10/10)

We are building to an important culmination point for some hard-earned endings & much-needed healings via the Aries full moon tomorrow (10/9 @ 4:55 pm ET).  These resolutions revolve around our inner fire⇾ the release of those soul-sucking, self-defeating patterns that squelch our spark and limit our Creator power.

For the last six months...since the Aries new moon (4/1) following the March equinox….we have been observing these limiting patterns in order to face off with the wounded feelings of low self-worth/value/esteem/confidence that you may have not even realized were stealing your life force and covertly guiding your life & creations.  As challenging as this deep dive may have been, it has helped the feminine (and feminine side of self) to set clear boundaries…with energy vampires…and recover our Creatrix power from any unhealthy/toxic dynamics.

Luckily, this weekend is the release point from that pariah of a cycle heralding the return of our creative chutzpah.  Because of that…and even tho this is technically a full moon…if could feel like a fresh new start. ????

As we finally break thru the layers & lifetimes of blockages barricading us from our unique soul-Self expression, new levels of wisdom & intellect are simultaneously surfacing with new creative confidence, inspiration & ideas to implement.  This information is streaming forth from our divine blueprint to replace all that we let go of this year…all that has kept us small, preventing us from stepping into our sovereignty to courageously lead our own lives, as LOVE.

Kicking this off is the first 10:10 gateway of the month on Monday…the alpha-omega (beginning & end) point.  This is a major birth portal into our Christed nature where we must gather up the seeds from this year’s “first true Harvest” and plant our New Earth creations to sprout next spring (via the equinox/Aries new moon).

With this, we are all being asked to dream bigger in order to expand further…to imagine a world beyond our first (karmic) life experiences.

Now is the time to begin writing your Book of LOVE…to create your new life story from your cosmic foundation⇾ from Knowing who you truly ARE as the complete Trinity.  Become a conduit of this intentional intel (replete with instructions) to take action upon. You can trust that the fire within is being reignited and that these inspired ideas are the seed points and pathways to a life of continual replenishment.

To that aim, we are still ablaze with the Holy Fires, transmuting a tremendous amount of density which has been more intense than usual because the potential is greater than usual which means the stakes are higher than usual.  Adding to that alchemy is today’s Pluto station which is readying to “make gold of that”…to transform all the death since 4/29 (and “the great gutting” of September)…into new life.  Pluto rx in Capricorn has been helping us to restructure the foundation of our lives & missions for longevity so that we can build stable, lasting permanence for our New Earth adventure.

NOTE: As Pluto (gatekeeper to the underworld) stations direct, 911 codes are reemerging.  A reminder from the last report that we are finishing out the spiritual war this year, the last round of which was waged via the (911) trauma timelines in 2001. That saga is over but we are still unraveling from these epic endings on all levels as depicted in the surfacing horrors around the world.

Also, keep in mind that the lunar nodes are currently in Taurus & Scorpio and so Pluto also “overshadows” the upcoming eclipses just like the last eclipse season.  The theme, therefore, is resurrection once again.  Anything that you successfully put to death since the last eclipse cycle can now be reborn at a higher level thru Scorpio + eclipse season which…in addition to Mars retrograde…will be a time of major, real-life transformations.

We can expect themes from this Aries (Mars-ruled) full moon to resurface thru that upcoming retrograde as we continue with the Mercury-Mars/mind-body calibration that will extend into March of next year.  In the meantime, continue to focus & direct your creator power on your new beginnings to prepare your foundations for new growth.   This is a time to be big & bold, to muster the courage to walk thru the purifying fires and step into your new/original life creation.

Lastly, be mindful that it will be a fiery few days with short fuses that could escalate into potential explosions.

With that in mind, I hope your sparks are the creative kind! ????


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  1. heard, agreed, and thank you again for your Crystal clear languag-ing. I do so much deep earth embodiment work that I can’t always access the translation. Grateful for your help

  2. Very grateful … love from Ontario Canada on our Thanksgiving weekend. So much is merging and I AM ready to get this new life moving forward in a HUGE way.
    Blessings, Sanetha

  3. Thank you Lauren. Big and bold feel a lot different than they did in the past. I’ll flow with what’s there now. I’ve so much energy & vitality to reclaim first…

  4. Hey!
    Easier log in with I-phone today!
    Thank you!????
    Before this came to me in box, I had a HUGE wave of deep grief and low self worth awareness come through. Say what? Still more? So be it.
    Sort of using food (common theme for me) to bring some comfort today. ????‍♀️????
    But the post is so divine and so appreciated.
    I bought the Manna course but still have not dig into it.
    Can’t wait!
    So much Love to all of you

  5. Such wonderful confirmation after doing the work – it has been FULL ON. Our new is such a breath of fresh/pure air. Wow!! Words don’t do it justice, so very heart felt. Only Love and gratitude to You Lauren and All participating. We are One.

  6. TY for this update . It’s provided confirmation of the the guidance I was intuiting but having a bit of a wobble with due to those Aries moon /Pluto direct trigger points..

    The ” past” was resurrecting and I could feel the tug of war occurring between chewing on the old fat of old dynamics that were of a disempowered nature vs really letting go of these fear based feelings. It takes courage ( Aries) to do this so thank you for the update coz it’s helped clarify my path again. Xx ❤️

  7. Thank You Lauren! Ugh those old wounds…I’m looking forward to the final release & transmutation of this density. I’m ready to fly…xoK

  8. Beautiful confirmation. When I saw write your own book of love, that did something extra, re the writing & publishing of my book. And very much feeling the spaciousness in my being of old gone. And in a beautiful moment at the end of a walk in the park, I spotted a golden sparkly butterfly on the path. ???? ????

  9. Thank you Lauren,

    Yesterday a beautiful golden yellow bird ( Goldammer) flew against my window and died. Not a good sign I thought. But then I read that a dead bird is a sign of change and metaphysical death and rebirth and a Goldammerbird brings golden Times.

  10. Thank you Lauren for this timely update. Yes to the Creatix Power thru the Feminine, mind body discipline is the background intention today to remain One with the Divine Matrix within….
    I Love the triangle with the Galactic Sun shining thru the sphere..

  11. .”..your own book of love” Momentarily I stopped at the word book, since I have completed my book and today emailed one of the brilliant writers in our previously held group if she would comment on the overall completion. Also, I practice mindfulness and am aware of continued negative thinking. I tell myself to stop it, but I don’t listen! Truly frustrating. I also signed up for your new class Lauren and look forward to it. Thank you all for sharing.

  12. I’m languishing in the the alignment of Love and a Electrifying Big Bold Vision as I witness all the old that lingers slowly dissolve and dissipate. I feel greatly blessed to be part of this family and have Faith (Feeling aligned in Truth harmoniously)
    in all that is coming into my Being, perfectly orchestrated in perfect timing. ????

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