The Birth of Christ Consciousness
The 3 days of darkness are approaching (in the northern hemisphere) which is a very sacred time of death & rebirth via the Solstice when the Sun “dies” (stands still) and is reborn 3 days later on Christmas Day, symbolizing the death & rebirth/resurrection of Christ Consciousness…i.e. the consciousness of Universal LOVE. As we move through this portal each year it activates the trinity of glands located in the Crystal Palace in the brain…the sacred structure that bridges the physical & spiritual worlds…rebooting our consciousness to bring online new/higher versions of ourselves.
This year is even more impacting as we commemorate the 12-year completion of the 12-12-12 which was the ascension activation for the second of the 3 waves of Souls in GOD’s downline. As this ascension cycle completes, those at the fore (first 2 waves) enter the Christed bandwidth, which means The END of duality and the false agenda designed to derail Love & Light workers lifetime after lifetime. A collective spell is breaking, marking the end of an age and allowing deep-seated issues to finally clear as we restore our power.
And so it is that from this Solstice forth, those vibrating at these unified levels are now fully free from the realms of suffering…free from the fallen forces that utilize the planetary energy for their gain. In its place ⇾ LOVE (Love·light) as we now have access to the (masculine) consciousness & (feminine) substance of GOD, both of which are required for the u l t i m a t e transformation via the attainment of Lightbody status.
If you are moving thru this ascension portal consciously…meaning, if your light quotient is sufficient for the embodiment of Galactic or Cosmic Consciousness…you will be entering the Christed Frequency thru this gateway, an achievement made possible by the enlightenment of the mind. (For more on the ascension of the mind see the latest report) Tho it will take time-space for this to play out at the physical levels, know that you will come out of this corridor differently than you enter.
This liberation point is dissolving the last of the enslavement programming within which unhooks us from the lower earth processor (matrix) and reconnects us to the Mind of GOD. This means we are entering a whole new world/dimension/age/paradigm of reality with a whole new database that is going to change everything. For perspective, consider that your entire lower earth reality (first life) was spun out of the lower mind and now we are beginning a completely new life/journey in which your Higher Mind will recreate your reality as LOVE thereby animating an entirely new hologram for the world to participate in by proxy! 💣🤯
The ascension out of slavery (attainment of Christ Consciousness) completes with this cosmic event which means the descension of Christ (into the flesh) is now underway as we begin the integration & embodiment (thru 2025) of the universal 8 (Christ/Christess) energies we activated all. year. long. The way this is presented is that ALL the LOVE that has ever been is now coming to LIFE in our bodies & lives…an activation & unfolding that is kicking off the dismantling of all the LOVE-less structures on Earth via the next 2 decades of Pluto in Aquarius.
Regardless of where you are on your journey, this window of heightened spiritual energy invites you to unify with Source for the Holydays…to return to zero-point/reset your coordinates as LOVE to maximize your potential for ascension beyond the matrix slave system and into the Christed Heart Matrix of New Earth. 💖🌐 Don’t let the well-placed distractions of the 3D world prevent you from consciously connecting to this powerful moment of rebirth for the Risen Suns on Earth! ☀️💠☀️