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  • Nabila

    July 22, 2021 at 9:32 am

    There’s definitely something in the air at the moment with regard to letting go of the tendency to be over responsible for others. I think this is an old energy that we were using to transmute/transform the inner (underworld) but it leaked out into our everyday lives too, creating these victim/oppressor dynamics in many of our relationships.

    Yesterday I was drawn to doing some EFT/tapping exercises to release myself and my habit to feeling it was my job to make everyone feel ok/safe with themselves.

    Woke this morning to what to me felt quite uncomfortable but also empowered. I felt kinda selfish and uncompromising. I think this is actually the balanced state we’ve been yearning for. It feels really good at some level but will take some practice for sure.

    I also agree with you regarding taking care of ‘business’ so to speak. For some of us this is part of the next level of ascension/program and I am also needing to find ways to vibrate at a more valuable/valued frequency.

    Funny enough today out of the blue someone texted me to ask if I would consider making 12 cakes for an 80th birthday celebration. I bake for pleasure and creativity but have never thought of doing it for any other purpose. Interesting thing is that without me asking I’ve been offered $55 (seems to be my magic no of late – I’m in my 55th year, as a life path 5 in a 5 year) per cake.

    Although baking 12 pretty cakes feels quite daunting as I have no credentials other than the taste buds and eyes of friends and family, I’m seriously considering just hopping on this and trusting that this might just be a sign that all things creative and financial are converging to light up my runway to personal sustainability.

    You go girl. You got this Nan !