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  • Lauren

    August 29, 2021 at 8:56 am

    “Something coming to light” …. when I read that my immediate thought was that dogs are connected to Sirius. Maybe it’s about her Sirian Galactic Origin coming to light.

    Also, it reminds me of this (post from Lauren in the caught on camera thread, excerpt from 2016): “you are at once becoming physicalized as GOD, but more deeply human as well.
    Consider that as the body fully awakens to its truest capabilities, all of the circuits which were safeguarded from access in the lower world will begin to turn on”

    “As the body fully awakens” ➡️ could be represented by this in the dream “when I embodied the mushroom”.

    Mushrooms are part of a huge underground network ➡️ “all of the circuits which were safeguarded from access in the lower world will begin to turn on”.

    Digging at the roots of the “Evergreen” tree ➡️ earthy/New Earth terrain ➡️ becoming more deeply human ↔️ as we are becoming more galactic.