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Forums Open Forum Your Awakening Story Reply To: Your Awakening Story

  • Lauren

    January 18, 2022 at 1:44 pm

    Reply from Mary O’ January 18, 2022 at 11:50 am

    Wow Lauren, that is such an amazing story! Thank you so much for taking the time to share it. I’m pretty sure you will be writing a book and this is quite an opening.
    Amazing how spirit protected you from returning to live downtown. A close friend of mine (and a beloved ascension buddy) lived 2 blocks from the Trade Center since the 80s. (She saw the whole thing from her window. A shaman told her a few years later that she had several fireman attached to her and they were afraid to let go and head for the light. The shaman crossed them.)
    Three years ago she got diagnosed with 9-11 related stage 4 cancer and was gone within 6 months. However, knew it was her soul contract and she wanted to do her work on the other side. She was never at home on earth.
    Like you I was in advertising (copywriter, then Creative Director), living in Manhattan. I had a spontaneous awakening while visiting Macchu Picchu in 1999 and several months later I had a nervous breakdown. Then a few years later I came down with Morgellons and was in bed for 6 months at my childhood home recovering. I sold my apartment in NYC and my advertising career was pretty much over.
    Again, thanks for sharing your story, Lauren. Would love to hear how others had their awakening! ❤️