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Forums Insights & Support Astrology New Earth Reply To: Astrology New Earth

  • Lauren

    November 20, 2024 at 11:11 am

    1 – Yes, astrology is personal and universal. How we engage with it depends on our level of consciousness (reconnection to the ALL) because ultimately it is Sourced from within.

    2 – At its core, astrology is GOD’s geometry/math…the language of Divine Order. Like everything in our solar system, the ungodly use the organic systems to manipulate the forces to their agenda but if you work with astrology from the inside out, none of that matters. As LOVE/GOD, you are far more powerful than any falsely fueled agenda. Ultimately, astrology is a powerful tool to keep us aligned with Cosmic Flow of the Greater Plan. I don’t know much about my own natal chart, but universal astrology (the YOUniverse within) organically opens to us via ascension where suddenly everything “out there” makes picture perfect sense within.

    3 – This is definitely a topic for the Leadership Group but it’s like I always say to @angel , once your on the ascension path there’s no getting ahead of the Divine Plan or separating yourself from it. Your mission of Service is interwoven into the blueprint of Creation which activates when you achieve an oversoul ascension…when you step into service for the Soul Level. This (oversoul ascension) is what many are now moving thru as of the 888.