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  • Ariel888

    November 20, 2024 at 8:56 pm

    “universal astrology (the YOUniverse within) organically opens to us via ascension where suddenly everything “out there” makes picture perfect sense within.”

    That so resonates for me Lauren. My relationship with astrology started about 14/15 years old…. The library assistant who I befriended at school, got tired of my constant questions, leant me books. In recent years my relationship with astrology has changed, and I barely reference it, considering to how did before, yet so many have picked up the mantle. The best gift of learning astrology for me was seeing time, experience as cyclical, it just made so much sense.

    And have found what you write above bring my experience, it exists with my universe and certain things come to the fore as relevant.

    So love the way you describe it in point 2!!