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  • Physical Symptoms Help Request

    Posted by michael on May 10, 2024 at 3:41 am

    Since the eclipse and with these new solar flare events i have experienced a rise in blood pressure and apnea (i simply do not breathe when sleeping).

    These physical changes would be tolerable except last year i had a heart event and required a stent and i am having concerns. Medicine has no idea why and simply want to drug me.

    I have tried many things and yet nothing has brought this to a safer level.

    I have tried herbs, diet, supplements, medication, breath work and even medical devices etc

    Does anyone have any feedback on lowering the blood pressure or the apnea?

    Thank you

    michael replied 7 months ago 7 Members · 11 Replies
  • 11 Replies
  • Marjorie

    May 10, 2024 at 9:59 am

    Flower essences usually help me. I love Green Hope Essences. They have a huge selection. Golden Armor is good for buffering vibrational bombardment. There is one called Breathe.

  • Linda

    May 10, 2024 at 4:44 pm

    Thanks for the reminder. I just finished a bottle of stabilizing essence from Aluna Joy, and I will now go back to Green Hope Farm – in the past they were a mainstay for me.

  • michael

    May 10, 2024 at 6:53 pm

    Thank you so much! I will give them a try.

  • Pieter-Geert

    May 12, 2024 at 3:27 pm

    Hi Michael.

    I also had serious heart and (high) blood pressure complaints (then aged almost 71) in the period from February to July 2022. On the one hand, there was a heart rhythm disorder that had far-reaching after-effects, including that blood pressure was often extremely high. At the time I was forced to consult the cardiologist. He prescribed me pills to get the heart rhythm back in line and normalize the blood pressure. Completely contrary to the cardiologist’s expectations, after about 4 – 5 months I hardly had any complaints anymore and I was able to quickly reduce the medication.

    These words provide a certain introduction to my reflection on the event that follows.

    The main point of that reflection is that we sometimes go through deep energetic changes that deeply affect the physical (neuro) system and can lead to significant disruption of the neurosystem and thus the functioning of the heart and other neuro-physical aspects of the body such as blood pressure. . What I still remember about the sudden cardiac arrhythmia (which the cardiologist said is often caused by the shock of a sudden loud noise or something similar!!) is that I experienced it to a high degree in the evenings and nights preceding this incident. that the feminine and masculine (god) currents through my body were extremely active and that it felt like there was a transition. Call it a union of these forces. Retrospectively, I now say that that event was a true shift for the physical neurosystem and completely disrupted everything internally. Logically I think in hindsight. The body is suddenly confronted with a completely new control method and is ‘shocked’ by it.

    I soon noticed that both the GP and the cardiologist had and have no idea what could be going on on a spiritual-energetic level and how that affects. For me personally, the developments were quite disruptive, especially because the cardiologist initially told me that I would have to take pills for the rest of my life. Well, none of that. In mid-2022 I quickly reduced the medication (the cardiologist suddenly became receptive to it) and since then I have not taken any pills and all my bio-functions have normalized! Age: 73 years.

    It is true that I have experienced my body differently since then. Something that took a lot of getting used to. It often feels like my whole body feels like I feel the nadis active very regularly throughout my body, especially my legs and feet. This is especially noticeable when the solar flares are active. There is more to say about that, but it is a bit beyond the scope of my story.

    It is difficult for me to assess your situation, but I have tried to put some experiences on paper in the hope that they will be useful to you. It may be useful to consider for yourself which (bio)energetic experiences you had before your complaints arose. Were there any sudden shifts? What I also want to tell you in relation to the medical circuit. The use of specialist help is sometimes unavoidable. Nevertheless, we also try to follow our own course and offer counterplay where necessary, even though the margins are sometimes thin. I wish you healing and strength. At the time, I experienced it as a lonely road (because there was hardly any sounding board, given the processes we were going through.

  • Elizabeth

    May 12, 2024 at 4:37 pm

    Pieter: I am fully understanding your sharing as I too have had a number of similar issues as this body moves into Unification.

    Blessings for sharing. Libby

  • michael

    May 12, 2024 at 6:14 pm


    Thank you so much for your loving reply!

    I am having a very similar experince both internally and with the medical community. No one has answers and have virtually given up and say it is all mental.

    I too have weaned off almost all meds and am now coming off the last one. I have had these symptoms both with and without meds. I would ā¹love to know more about your experience if you feel it is right for you. Your input was very generous and encouraging.

    Yes, the merging of masculine and feminine while integrating into the body is quite intense and quite disorienting in some ways. This has also created ongoing almost unmanageable symptoms of exhaustion and head fog. It has become difficult to discern the spiritual component from the physical in order to assist my body during this integration.

    Thank you again for your loving reply!

  • Elizabeth

    May 12, 2024 at 6:34 pm

    Happy to reply to you MIchael if it was on a more personal basis. Not so sure how to achieve that however.

    We could indeed have an interesting conversation as I have been in alternative health for 50+yrs please and continue to understand and learn every day. I am still a working lady and live in gratitude such a lot.

    Heart blessings to you.

  • pj

    May 12, 2024 at 9:32 pm

    Hi Michael,

    I have both of these, I have high blood pressure for years, anytime I get a test it’s high, I’ve only had a few over the years, not near as many nose bleeds now and minor if any,

    The sleep apnea concerns me at times and is very uncomfortable when I have dreams where I’m asking people in distress to get me to a hospital, or I’m suffocating somewhere before I wake and have often ran to the front door for air, a specialist interviewed me but as my weight was good andvI measured up alright physically they didn’t seem interested. I didn’t tell the truth about how sleepy I can be during the day because of the symptoms we’re all going through here.

    I drink quite a lot of water and find it better if I don’t eat too soon before bed, bananas and other foods likeva curry make it more difficult to catch my breath. I go to the gym quite often, feck all else I can do.

    I started on statins a couple of years ago as my cholesterol wasn’t great, both my parents had/have dementia, the doctor put me on a low one 5mg, she showed me a physical replica of blocked arteries so which can cause dementia etc, because of our symptoms I can’t tell her the truth about my brain fog, unable to pronounce words some days etc. I often think about coming off of the statin and might soon or when the body tells me.

    I try not to even think about it, not much I can do on them except mind the diet (a bit anyway) and exercise which can feel impossible sometimes still do.a bit though, drink water surrender when I can.

    Something else showed up on blood test too.

    • michael

      May 14, 2024 at 4:04 am


      these physical thing can be so challenging, especially when they interfere with our daily life. i have tried the statins briefly and the side effects had me stop them within 1 month. i too have had family with these problems and have been clearing my familial patterning and belief systems. this has greatly reduced many symptoms. yet these last couple of years have been very challenging with what appears to be multi dimensional issues. while i am still resolving many things the physical has become so much more intense, even more so than 15 or 30 years ago. Thank you for your thoughts and sharing!

  • Deborah

    May 13, 2024 at 9:45 am

    Donā€™t know..but have heard that mouth taping so as to breathe thru the nose and not the mouth has helped some people

    • michael

      May 14, 2024 at 3:57 am

      Thank you I have heard of that but it does not work for me.

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