Jupiter-Uranus Conjunction + Scorpio Full Moon

There are some BIG energies to be aware of as we build to the Scorpio Full Moon next week (4/23), an event that brings closure to the false light reality and facilitates the rebirth of ourcellves as LOVE⇾ as both the (feminine) substance & (masculine) consciousness of GOD, in form.  Three things to note:

1- To begin with, the Jupiter-Uranus conjunction in Taurus (the Heart of the physical world) is exact today (4/20) for the first time in 13 years which, celestially speaking, is considered the (astrological) opening of the (new/unified) Cosmic Creation Cycle on Earth.  This conjunction amplifies the recent changes sparked by the total solar eclipse, electrifying our newly budding potentials as we are each being sifted thru the universal sorting system to align with/open to our New Earth trajectories.

2- Simultaneously, the Scorpio full moon highlights the last leg of the eclipse journey, bringing up energies (for resolution) that we will be working with/bringing closure to until the Taurus new moon on May 7th.  These resolutions involve the deep/dark (hidden) areas of emotional attachments/cords/spells/curses that have been blocking our birthrights (Holy Grail) and stifling our Soul Self-expression, thereby preventing us from growing into our dharmic destiny and blossoming as the LOVE we intrinsically ARE.

3- Lastly, both the Sun & Moon will form a powerful T-square with Pluto…the planet of death & rebirth…in Aquarius on the (Pluto-ruled) Scorpio Full Moon. Technically, when the Sun shifted into Taurus yesterday (4/19), it formed a square to Pluto which can already be felt and will remain activated until the full moon on the 23rd.  That’s a lot of Plutonian/underworld energy to navigate in addition to the magnifying effects of the Jupiter-Uranus conjunction, so expect an array of tests, triggers & (final) exams needed to override any internal or external opposition.  This full moon is the culmination point (emotional resolution) of the major death we’ve been moving thru since the total solar eclipse (masculine/consciousness) reboot.  A reminder from this month’s report:

With this I am seeing an implosion of life force that results from the death or withdrawal of energy from our first life as “merely human”…what is being called the “last breath of death”. In other words, the energy that was used to animate our reality (i.e. charge our first life) is currently being breathed inward toward the singularity (Source) point of our existence in preparation to be breathed outward into this new Cosmic Level of Life, unified with our divine counterpart.

Note that any energies of (positive & negative) extremes that surface simultaneously offer an opportunity to merge & collapse that continuum of separation within. If used consciously, these extremes can provide an essential framework to see exactly what shadows have been dimming your light as our souls continue to guide us into these new life experiences/missions/creations with a broader/wiser/softer sense of Self.

Since Taurus Sun/Scorpio Moon governs the Heart·womb…which is speaking rather loudly (symptomatically) atm due to the strong geomagnetic storms…these themes are decidedly feminine.  (Taurus⇾Venus⇾heart…Scorpio⇾Pluto⇾womb/sacral) The Light of the Taurus Sun reflected by the Scorpio Moon is illuminating THE place(s) where our feminine life force (kundalini) has been chained to the underworld (serpent) structures replete with the resolutions that will finally set our Wombs (Hara) free.

This lunar event is about finally getting to the heart/root of these (emotional, sexual, financial, creational) matters so we can fully alchemize them into Light.  Now is the time to make gold of these significant endings so we can consciously capitalize on the biggest astro event of the year, one that will catapult us onto our New Earth trajectories, providing the backdrop to drastically uplevel our lives.  And just in time for our new mission deployment when Mercury turns direct. 🟢🚀

I said it before and I will say it again…these are BIG energies that demand BIG changes.




  1. Love, Love, Love it!
    “BIG energies that demand BIG changes.”
    Today would’ve been a usual, get to work, kinda day… but I just couldn’t do it! Instead I felt like making it a “I get to do what I want day”… And it just felt right! I’m also a Taurus, so all this big energy really feels like a new beginning..
    Thx Lauren! 💐 💖 🌺

  2. I’ve been experiencing the impact of these immense energies for a few days on many levels. Mostly physical (belly/hara) though one unexpected was external – news that a company is wanting to build a massive lithium battery storage site on our narrow, winding country road. Dark, toxic, highly dangerous energy in a quiet residential neighborhood (our street is aptly named Peaceable). It’s literally an existential crisis for us.
    Everything is surreal and I wake up at odd hours feeling this strange energy moving through me. Glad that I know what’s going on at a higher level.

  3. Thank YOU ! I thought to myself what in the world with some of these thoughts! thank YOU Lauren .. Big Love to ALL

  4. An event that brings closure to the false light reality and facilitates the rebirth of ourcellves as LOVE! This is so potent, and i ofcourse am feeling it strongly! I am, however unsure if i have to “do” something to ensure the deathing process or am i the willing one, open to these Big Changes that come with this powerful event.?

  5. Thanks Lauren. This explains why the last couple of days have been hell and old triggers have come up. My thoughts have been pretty low

  6. Lauren,
    Was so hoping you would make a comment on the very powerful, new-feeling weirdness of the energies currently at play. The world is not the same and has felt SO different the very size of the shift has felt scary in some moments. But everything you say rings true and there’s a comfort in that as you turn us again and again to our own choices as we engage with our experiences. So appreciate your note to us and your replies to some of the comments posted. Thank you so much. Every blessing on you.

  7. Have definitely been feeling the big and very deep changes – a big breakthrough occurred Friday and now the next level appearing. Thank you for this update – it keeps me anchored and knowing I’m ok and on the right path 🙏🌹❤

  8. Hooray!!! It quite literally feels like a lifetime ago since we began these major change journeys….way back in the 90’s!!!
    I am sooooo excited (though tired it has to be said) to be stepping across a threshold to begin a co-creative life joined by so many of fellow travellers in the imaginings I held as a child!
    Wahooo everyone!!! Welcome home to our real selves!

  9. The first cycle of my life felt and is remembered by me as exquisite. It was simple, beautiful, loving, warm, full, earthy and a flow that felt flowy and also somehow amazingly constant. Everything was near and dear, everything was level and everything was zippily interconnected.
    These memories and felt senses are what anchored me through the next cycle, which I won’t mention anything about because as I was writing this, there was no desire to refer to it any other way.

    It literally was up to today where stuff was still lifting out and about (what seemed) like millions of sensations and millions of thoughts.

    Where I am now is back to feeling more of that first cycle as closer and my last “real cycle”, feeling very worn, torn and faded, ragged and like rags. Up to a moment ago there was the thought “I still don’t know what to make of this last cycle” and the inner response now is no desire to make sense of it. I know I’m only still here because of that deep inner sense, those felt senses and memories of the first cycle that kept reminding me of me, and a few family members. At some point I felt so ragged, old and worn and like road kill, and those three things above moved me through. I also had moments where this wasn’t the case and many times where both were true simultaneously, but these last few years were more volatile in their swings and extremes.

    In this evening, something switches and I am more that first cycle where everything was aligned and harmonized as One with and for the Greatest Good of All That Is Eternal and Abundant and Plentiful.

    I don’t know now nor think about how or what I could have changed or done differently through this second cycle where I felt I’d be able to tell a cohesive story or refer to that second cycle without feeling that I was simply bombarded and battered and emptied of everything. It felt bad just a moment ago that I couldn’t refer to the last cycle any other way. Perhaps now other things will connect.

    These last few months were especially its own thing.

    But the tiredness is now laying down to rest. The energy is timbering down. The bruises are healing. The excess mental energy and billions of tangents are one’ing. The body is slowing down and coming to rest/roost as well. The heart is unswelling and unenlargening. An energy at the temples is untyphooning. Eyes are also coming down to rest and roost and unstraining. The upper back area energy is also coming back down and in. A vertical energy is also unextending. I feel like I actually have feet now. Throat is unrestricting. Ears are unclogging.

    Will see what other changes continue to occur.

    I literally have no words or explanations for that last cycle except for the sensations I mention now coming out of it and that the first cycle is what feels real to me, like what is real.

    I also am beginning to feel right now pop up that I might be starting to not feel old and worn, battered or bombarded and could possibly not feel that way at the upper sensory levels as well.

    That maybe I don’t have to give time love and energy anymore and now cam reciprocally exchange again. That I don’t have to teach, demonstrate, train, hold the template energetically. That I transmit and things happen in “funner” ways then simply plodding along and slomping through molasses and muddy sludge.

    That my body, energy, mind, heart and all their parameters don’t have to “over” anymore.

    Grief and grieving were a big part of my “work”.

    And that I can now “let go” of the fact that I wasn’t able to do make anymore physical creation headway then showing up where I promised. This is another aspect I wish I could say more about but this truly is all I can say. Towards the end of this cycle, the most I did consistently was waking up and showing up for that inner sense, those memories and the few people in my life.

    And with the Mother energy coming in and filling in all the nooks and crannies, and becoming again more of that constant “backdrop/background” to rest into, the prior part of me is finally able to be “okay” with what I did/was able to do in this last cycle.

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