The New EARTH Institute
While NEI continues to provide a Home-base for so many amazing, awakening souls on the ascension/embodiment path, the site is currently undergoing its own ascension into an online Temple, transitioning from a social gathering space to more of a social learning space…a Modern Mastery School for the New Earth-New World-New Age.
A true merger of galactic & gnostic, The New Earth Institute is built on/around the Divine Feminine (Sophianic/Magdalene) principles of Creation…the embodied teachings of the Rose (Womb Wisdoms) overlit by the Cosmic Mother…and also serves as a governing Galactic Council space for allied, earthbound ambassadors in alignment with the Universal Ascension Plan.
For initiates & masters alike, NEI replaces the old way of teaching with an interactive social learning model based in/on/around our collective New Human-New Earth experiences. The way of the Feminine is comm·unity…a shared exchange of riches in which wisdom is the most valued reSource of all. By coming together in this powerful way, we evolve with each other thru a unified field to share, inspire and expand as LOVE in all new ways.
The New Earth Institute is founded not on dogmatic ideologies or based in any one set of be-lie-fs, but on a philosophy of “immersive learning thru reflective teaching”. After years of building, hosting & fostering online community it became apparent that True learning is first an unlearning that clears the way for remembering…a process & pathway that can only unfold from within. And yet, in a group setting with others who are experiencing the same or similar dynamics, that remembrance is multiplied thru a veritable House of mirrors that, when overlaid with LOVE, facilitates greater-faster expansion, revelation & integration.
To that aim, NEI is rooted in the understanding & conviction that the Garden is a community effort…shared crops if you will…of the many levels and parts that make up the whole of Eden. So whether you’re relatively new to the (Feminine) path of ascension/embodiment and looking for an enlightened group of physical guides to illuminate the Way-Truth-Life, or in your mastery looking to connect with those of like Heart·mind, The New Earth Institute offers a private & peaceful place to unlearn, to remember your future, and to discover, share, experience & explore the unfolding Divine Plan together. JOIN US!
Growing list of topics to be covered @NEI:
- Ongoing Ascension & Embodiment Related Topics
- Divine-Galactic Governance & the Architecture of GOD
- Alchemical Creation based on the Holy Grail Teachings
- The New Human Biology & our Higher Human Capabilities
- Activating our Divine Birthrights & Galactic Gifts of Soul
- Temples of The Garden & the guiding principles of C.A.R.E.
- New Earth Stewardship & Pioneering the Promised Land
- Galactic Ambassadorship & Constructing Communities of Light
- Fostering a Conscious Relationship with Earth & Her Kingdoms
- Emerging Fields of Collaborative Study for New Earth Living
- Various Areas of Interest Including New Technology & Sciences
Changes for Members & Non-Members:
Moving forward, there will continue to be 3 tiers of membership available however, prices & permissions have changed and will be rolled out accordingly. Basic is now Crystal, Plus is now Diamond, and Premier will eventually become Rainbow (TBD) but with a whole new structure and purpose.
The New Earth Reports* will serve as the core curriculum for our New Earth studies and each month’s report also includes Study Group discussions & weekly updates for report topic assimilation & integration. The format, consistency and structure will remain much the same, but with a slightly different focus…from becoming to building (Eden)…to where each report will contain key codes & components of The Divine Plan as it unfolds before (within) us.
*NOTE: A free version of every report will continue to be offered, along with the returning option to purchase reports individually for non-members.

Lauren ♡
More about me