Welcome to The New Earth Institute! 🌈

I am delighted to have you as part of the Rainbow Level where, in addition to/alignment with the monthly reports, we will cover all things New Earth Leadership!  Of which, if you’ve taken the Create As LOVE course in the past, I highly recommend revisiting the course to familiarize yourself with the basic tenets of Feminine-first creation.

If you have not taken the course, know that while it’s not mandatory I encourage you to enroll as the concepts will be integral to the Divine Feminine Christess teachings that we will explore together in the days-weeks-months ahead.  For that reason, I am offering all Rainbow Level members 50% off the CAL course for a limited time.  Use coupon code: RAINBOW50

Note that the majority of Rainbow Level activity will be confined to the New Earth Leadership Group which is a private portal for New Earth leaders to gather…a space where you can safely explore, discuss & share in the experiences of Aquarian Age (Feminine First) Leadership with those of like-Heartmind.  Be sure to familiarize yourself with the group guidelines as well as to share a little bit about your Service journey.

New to NEI?

If you are new to NEI I recommend you first fill out your personal profile and get familiar with how things are set up in the network. (To access your personal profile click the drop-down menu under your name at the top right-hand corner of your screen.)

Afterward, you can check out the NEI Sitewide Activity Feed to get a glimpse of what’s happening within the entire community.  Here (or on your profile page) is where you can post updates, make friend connections, like and reply to other people’s activities, or just get a feel for topic discussions and general community participation.  From there you can join community-created groups, or participate in one of the many forums. (Note that as a Rainbow Level member, you will automatically be enrolled in any private groups that I host.)

Lastly, if you wish to be notified whenever I post a new (random or otherwise ascension-related) update in the public feed then be sure to follow me!  To do that simply go to my profile page, and click those 3 gray dots next to the Connect button, then click “Follow”:

After which we will be inextricably linked : ))

See you inside!

p.s. For membership and/or billing support email [email protected]