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This report is a true brilliant, artful MASTERPIECE. (master peace!) Your genius at translating and articulating multi-dimensional light language is truly unsurpassed. Each report feels like a personal debriefing from the Family of Light. This past one feels like a living transmission in REAL TIME. My every cell agreed enthusiastically with every word.

Absolutely BRILLIANT!!!! So well written and such attainable information. You are beyond inspiring!!! I feel like your writing is really accessible, you have such an amazing gift for packaging profound messages into approachable, enjoyable reading.

I just have to say that I’ve grown immensely over the years, and so very much directly due to your efforts. Bless your beautiful, talented, gifted, heart-centered SOUL – to be the writer and leader you are for so many. I honor you in so many ways and am thrilled to be back on your site.

THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU for the Create As LOVE course! I am so grateful for the innumerable ways this course has been a source of support for me as I continue to move forward with the Being and Creating!

You provide the validation so emphatically for where we are at. Perfect timing, perfect words – your command of language to describe the indescribable is a gift. You enable us stand tall in our everyday life. Thank you.

SO grateful for Causal to Conscious Creation - so cool, so YOU, so delicious! This is GENIUS. A perfect example of everything I love about who you are and how you express yourself. You always find the most graceful & massively enjoyable ways to express - fully authentically & accessibly - so much LOVE wisdom & intelligence in effortlessly understandable ways.

Thank you for the Report. It is guidance sorely missed when not there. And when it comes, each time I feel profoundly gratified to experience such great validity of what has been going on with me, expressed so clearly and always in there somewhere, your make-me-laugh-out-loud humor. Thank you for bringing to us such helpful messages from HOME.

I just wanted to let you know how much I'm LOVING Cell Speak!!! Yesterday's lesson was AMAZING!!! Omg, and today's is amazing too!!! I'm simply loving all of the wonderful information and I feel so empowered to be the best possible me imaginable!

I just read Casual to Conscious Creation. IT BLEW MY MIND! At the last couple of pages the LOVE pressed me so hard all over the whole body it stopped my breathing and made me cry - how awesome! Thank you so much. I do not stop to wonder how I can love so much someone I have never met, nor spoken to?!

I so resonate with you and your work. I have been following since 2008, from first finding you through Spirit Library. I deeply appreciate you and all you have given through your work. It is an honor to have journeyed with you throughout these past 13 years. Please know, I deeply appreciate ALL the support I have received through you and TWYH.

I feel the need to reach out and tell you how grateful I am for the messages you bring that validate my experiences and thereby give me strength to soldier on. When I read the 5D report and it echoes my experience I realize all over again this is all real and all has purpose.

Strong difficult days...without sense...or a clear direction...but now, Im reading your words and....RECONNECTION happens.....this is MAGIC...and I wanna celebrate every source of joy in this new dimension...because of this reason I have decided to write you.THANKS A LOT LAUREN,I CAN SEE MY LIFE IN THIS MOMENT...with my immense gratitude.

Just wanted to take a moment and say THANK YOU for sharing all of your brilliant insight. There have been numerous times when I was feeling a certain way or experiencing something in my body and that day your report showed up which addressed just that. Your humor always gains a much-needed laugh.
For me, your insight is a supremely expanded perspective and needed more than ever for (weary) lightworkers. You bless many & I am grateful to be one of those people.

I brought my stack of printed New Earth reports out of my office to review over morning coffee, and I just went thru the 8/21 NEI regarding Unity Consciousness. WOW…just WOW! It clarifies many terms I’ve been feeling fuzzy about, including “qualifying” energy, Cosmic Christ vs. Risen Sun…THANK YOU SO MUCH for sharing your wisdom with those of us who are coming along but don’t, yet, have your clarity.