Create As LOVE is what I would equate to a master’s degree program on earth. As we move thru our personal purification studies and graduate from the school of suffering…the university of duality…we are given the opportunity to hone our skills in the world around us.
Cosmically speaking, that time has come and this course provides a framework for its application…the fundamentals of how to apply the mechanics of Feminine-first creation. Each lesson is a key cornerstone to creating in unity and contains the essential constructs needed for our New Earth existence.
Tho extremely challenging, this is truly the most exciting time to be on this planet, in a body, at the turn of an Age, remembering and becoming the truth of who we ARE…and now we get to reconstruct our lives according to that very truth. Create As LOVE holds the keys to how.
How to know if this ecourse is for you:
- You are working to heal your inner m-f divide
- You understand that True creation is an inside job
- You are ready to reclaim the magic of your Sourcery
- You desire to bring the highest & best version of you forward
- You want to create your life as an authentic extension of YOU
- You recognize the divinity within and want to share it with others
.◉▶︎ I cannot possibly thank you enough for this course. I just received the first lesson and it is fantastic. Exactly what I needed in the moment as we remember the magic of creation which is love. I have read your words throughout and felt as if they were coming out of my own being. In this course, you have given words to what I have always KNOWN but did not have words to communicate it, even though I have taught this EXACT process of creation to hundreds of people…..just not with the detail or technology through which you have taught it. For me, each lesson has felt like an activation/attunement/manifestation of what I know….being brought forth into this world. THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU for this course! I am so grateful for the innumerable ways this course has been a source of support for me as I continue to move forward with the Being and Creating! ◀︎◉

◉▶︎ Absolutely BRILLIANT!!!! So well written and such attainable information. You are beyond inspiring!!! I feel like your writing is really accessible, you have such an amazing gift for packaging profound messages into approachable, enjoyable reading. There's a definite powerful energetic frequency of pure love and deep wisdom that permeates every passage. - It almost overwhelms the senses as it begins to integrate - a palpable energetic shift occurs while reading your writings!! You be S.E.R.I.O.U.S.L.Y. powerful - a Sorceress of Words. - Not to mention an incredible inspiration - and an overall bad-ass Human Being. ◀︎◉

◉▶︎ Thank YOU! and I love YOU! for boldly going where none has gone before and for this ride! As I read your email I just felt so excited that we're doing this, and I made the choice to be part of it, tears streaming down my face as I write. It has truly been a delight to be involved in this wonderful experience. I have gotten so much out of the process, allowing for greater clarity of my own creative process, through being involved. It really has been a joy. And I thank you with all my heart for being such a wonderful exemplar of Mastery, for in seeing it in you I can also see it more clearly in myself.◀︎◉

◉▶︎Thank you for letting me join you on this journey! It has been a fantastic ride and I've learned so much about myself, others and creation! ◀︎◉

◉▶︎This is/YOU ARE brilliant as usual. Feeling like one is in NOWHERESVILLE is a single nudge away from ALLSVILLE...meaning one could think “oh my God, after all this work I’m still nowhere”....but having the faith to just let go and act suddenly throws one into alignment with one’s allotted portion of the ALL. Bravo Lauren!!! ◀︎◉
◉▶︎ Thank you, Thank You, Thank you- It feels kind of like a safari where we’re going into a jungle where no one has ever explored before - with you as our brave, trusted leader. I have so much admiration for your honesty, your openness, your integrity, and your bravery for CREATING this adventure. I have taken a “leap in faith” several previous times in my life - and every time, I fell flat on my face and said Never Again! But with this course, and because of your precious generosity, I’m actually excited about taking this leap into whatever is to come.◀︎◉
◉▶︎Thank you for your brilliant body of work.I signed up with a Network Marketing company in Sept. of 2012. I have yet to be successful in that endeavor. This program will change all that. I finally GET IT! I know that I have been creating from a separate mind and heart vibration, among other things!! The way you took us through this course was perfect...giving us one lesson at a time so that each course could be digested and assimilated before a new concept was introduced. In the end, it all comes together and makes absolute sense! I hold the deepest gratitude for you and all the wisdom you share with all of us who are privileged enough to have been guided to your site. Thank you for all you do, for who you are, and for the incredible information/insight you share with all of us. Lastly, thank you, once again, for this course. ◀︎◉
◉▶︎Each (5D) Report and CAL lesson are the incremental instruction manual to becoming what we are all here to become, and are Source sent to us by our very own oracle, Lauren. Your incredible ability to somehow put divine concepts into language that 'I' the evolving human can fully grasp and action is the difference between being stuck near the edge and going over the top to being fully-fledged divine homolumino. Words do not exist to express how much this course has meant to me and what I have been able to transform because of it. I Iive CAL every day and am getting better and better everyday with practice and I consider this learning to be a double PhD. I walk around in my very 3D working life firmly in 5D and have complete faith and trust that each step is creating what is already created - seriously cart before the horse. SO incredible and I am so grateful to you. Thanks so much again.◀︎◉
About Instructor
4 Courses

Course Content
Course Home Expand AllLesson 1: INTRODUCTION4 TopicsLesson 2: RIGHT-ORDER4 TopicsLesson 3: YOUniversal YOU4 TopicsLesson 7: Wield the FORCE3 TopicsLesson 8: Force to Magnetism4 TopicsLesson 10: As LOVE in Motion4 TopicsLesson 11: Magic of Make Believe4 TopicsLesson 12: Create As LOVE5 Topics