Create As LOVE

BE the FORCE course

Create As LOVE is what I would equate to a master’s degree program on earth.  As we move thru our personal purification studies and graduate from the school of suffering…the university of duality…we are given the opportunity to hone our skills in the world around us.

Cosmically speaking, that time has come and this course provides a framework for its application…the fundamentals of how to apply the mechanics of Feminine-first creation. Each lesson is key cornerstone to creating in unity and contains the essential constructs needed for our New Earth existence.

Tho extremely challenging, this is truly the most exciting time to be on this planet, in a body, at the turn of an Age, remembering and becoming the truth of who we ARE…and now we get to reconstruct our lives according to that very truth.  Create As LOVE holds the keys to how.

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4 Courses