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Forums Open Forum Completion & Progression Codes

  • Completion & Progression Codes

    Posted by Lauren on March 24, 2024 at 8:40 pm

    Redirecting the discussion on progression codes here in case it helps others. (I will also eventually add this to the Site Glossary)

    “Progression codes are ascending numeric sequences that typically present when we are on the cusp of completing a clearing cycle, a sign that we are emerging from the shadows and returning to the light. This is from a past update:

    Note that early progression codes (123/1234) tend to appear when we are just finishing a clearing cycleā€¦these typically follow or coincide with 909/999 completion codes denoting the end of this level work (timeline collapse) along with 555 liberation codes indicating our emerging freedom from said cycle.

    Mid-level codes (234) appear when we are en route to the higher timeline, and 345 codes will usually present when we are very close to completing the shift back to our True state. (These could all occur within the span of a week or more depending on the cycle.)

    When the shift out of density is nearing completion these codes are then followed by or coincide with double & triple numerics (11:11, 1:11, 2:22, 3:33, 4:44 etc.) indicating that we are back in alignment with divine/cosmic order (until the next round of clearing).

    These ascending numerics can also announce an imminent shift in the collective tide where our own YOUniverse reflects the return to divine/cosmic order thru the math of THE universe.’ā€

    A S replied 2 months ago 11 Members · 15 Replies
  • 15 Replies
  • Amanda

    March 24, 2024 at 8:43 pm

    Lauren, I canā€™t say how helpful this info wasā€“thank you!! Absolutely I think that organizing these notes in an official thread is a fantastic idea and would probably help a lot of folks as a reference (but others can chime in as well, of course).

    Also, I just saw 12:34 about half an hour ago. Suddenly theyā€™re everywhere!

    • Lauren

      March 24, 2024 at 8:49 pm

      Also, I just saw 12:34 about half an hour ago. Suddenly theyā€™re everywhere!

      Yep, once you tune into the language of the universe it will call to you and you to it in a synchronistic dance. From this moment forward universal communication will be a constant & conscious part of you. Enjoy the adventure! šŸ”¢šŸ¤—

  • Deborah

    March 24, 2024 at 11:14 pm

    321 has come up consistently last 48 hours!!

    • Lauren

      March 25, 2024 at 10:39 am

      Descending numerics are degression or regression codes…typically an indication that we are on our way down into the density for another round of reclamation. Sometimes they present with 911 codes but not always. They can also signify that we didn’t quite complete the lesson which may require a revisit to the task at hand.

      • Carla

        March 25, 2024 at 8:48 pm

        Thanks. I always wondered about descending numbers.

  • Dianna

    October 7, 2024 at 9:09 am

    LoL! I thought they were given to me that way because I’m dyslexic. šŸ˜„

  • Darla

    October 25, 2024 at 9:28 am

    Thank you for directing me back to this Explanation. It’s so very helpful to begin to understand this as it’s not something I’ve noticed prior to now … other than with seeing 1212 often. I’m very connected to the number 12 – I used to think because it was just because of my birthday but then it was showing up everywhere and in my new healing work. So many things are 12 …hours on clock, months, zodiacs, stations of the moon & sun, apostles, archangels, gates to heaven, chakras, etc. etc. … the number most mentioned in the bible too. And my sister Dawne who passed away – her birthday was 12-12! So not a surprise that when I envisioned & sketched my Aurora logo 7 years ago it has to have 12 rays of light :-). I think I will eventually come to understand why 12 is so important to me.

    Seeing that 1234 felt important and now I will be aware of these others that you have shared too since I am feeling very drawn to them.

    With regard to 911. My youngest son Gavin (now 11) – always sees 911. It’s not unusual for it to be daily sometimes. He has talked about the 9-11 day for many years… as if he was somehow connected to the tragedy of that day which was 12 years before he was born. Do you have any insight on how that relates to these descension codes? He’s quite an amazing child who seems to get and give me ‘messages’ from (?) for a long time now. He’s also recently discovered his healing gift similar to mine. At such a young age! It’s nice to be able to join together to do it :-).

  • Anne

    November 23, 2024 at 10:30 pm

    Lauren, I caught the number 0210. What came to me is coming back to ground zero or rather zero point and/or Divine neutrality which I see is occuring in my field, my playground is offering numerous opportunities. It also coincides with me feeling my Diamond Light Body in a more LIVELY and organic expanding manner yet as I speak…..

    Do you know a specific meaning for this code ?

    • Lauren

      November 25, 2024 at 10:54 am

      Hi Anne, I don’t personally feel a connection with that code but what matters is what it is communicating to you.

      • Anne

        November 25, 2024 at 1:51 pm

        Hi Lauren. thank you for this feedback, I find it very wise and helpful. šŸ’š

  • Shiawase

    December 8, 2024 at 11:04 pm

    I changed the screen. I saw triple 5. What does this tell? I forgotšŸ±

    • Lauren

      December 9, 2024 at 1:25 pm

      Liberation. See my initial post above:

      Note that early progression codes (123/1234) tend to appear when we are just finishing a clearing cycleā€¦these typically follow or coincide with 909/999 completion codes denoting the end of this level work (timeline collapse) along with 555 liberation codes indicating our emerging freedom from said cycle.

    • Rosemary

      December 9, 2024 at 1:27 pm

      “Change”! I also see triple 5’s ALL the time… Change is coming…šŸ’›šŸ˜Š

    • Marcy

      December 9, 2024 at 9:03 pm

      I’ve received multiple 555 ( and 333) over a week. āœŒ

  • A S

    December 10, 2024 at 1:26 am

    The codes are usually what you catch on a timeclock then? Just when you happen to glance at the clock and what you mostly end up seeing? Most of my life I have only caught or registered 11:11 but I never connected it to events happening in or around me.

    This pops up with the explanation you gave; is it a true application: that when I hear something or do or say something and I’m feeling confused about it to check the clock when said item gets completed or I set the intention to do it to see if it follows any of the above items you described?

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