2025: Cosmic Christ Made Manifest

Happy New Year!  🎊  With Pluto now firmly established in Aquarius, we are moving into another powerful year of transformation that, for those at the fore of the New Human-New Earth reality, will be more focused on the material/body level as 2025 is bringing with it a tremendous amount of physicalized energy (plasma) to begin the restoration phase of Heaven on Earth.  This means that all those in alignment with the restructuring energy of GOD can utilize the sacred Forces of Creation to restructure, restore & revitalize their own bodies & lives to capitalize on this spectacular shift of the ages.

As we walk forth into this New Year/New Earth landscape know that we are no longer bound by the defining structures of the separated world…that there is a new option available for humanity to partake in.  This new option is that of true freedom…freedom from human & biological enslavement, from the trappings of the underworld that have governed this planet for far too long.

The Cosmic energy of Christ is becoming physicalized which means ascension is no longer simply a concept of consciousness but of real, actual substance.

From this year forward, we are no longer defined by what we DO, but by who we BE…which is the greatest freedom of all.  This is a freedom born of our divine birthrights…the freedom to BE-DO-HAVE based on the unconditional LOVE of Self…the freedom to be recognized for our Soul’s truth, devoid of the stress of trying or pretending to be something other than we ARE in this and every now moment.  And of course, as we deeply love & accept ourselves for who we truly are at the deepest levels, we attract our authentic tribe of others⇾ our true Soul family who will love & accept us for the very same reasons.

This is just a fraction of what awaits us in these Heavenly realms becoming realized but it is a founding principle of the New Human-New Earth existence which responds purely to resonance, to the quality of our consciousness and not the quantity of our (earthly) accomplishments.

For those who feel less than but hold more than most within, this is the turning point of the Ages by which your inner work will now be rewarded in kind. No longer will you be the underdog as the script is finally flipping right-side up which means all those (Starborns) who entered into this level of the game with their Hearts in first place will now have the proper infrastructure in place to truly thrive.  Not based on human values per se, but on the values that truly matter…the values that create matter.

And so those who spent lifetimes working toward/preparing for this moment are now moving into position to become the New Human prototypes…those at the helm of a New Humanity unbound by the false forces and the lower laws of Earth.  As 2025 ushers in the frequencies required to (hu)manifest the Cosmic Christ in a world besieged by fear, the Heavenly Humans will take up their mantle as Governors & Guardians of the Way-Truth-Life to redirect this planet and her people to the true/organic timeline for Earth, where every human is returned their GOD-given, inalienable rights to the very freedoms now becoming possible for All.

And so I leave you with this: Tho it will be tempting in this universal 9-year ahead, look not unto this world as one headed for its ultimate demise but a world writhing in the deepest of death throes, dying to an entire planetary age & architecture designed for human struggle & strife.  Stay astute to the fact that a formidable movement of awakening is occurring…a collective shift in consciousness that is breaking the (amnesic) spell humanity has been under and allowing deep-seated (ancient) issues to clear.

As power is restored to the people we can expect recurring themes of judgment, justice & restitution to continue for decades to come as the workings of the shadow realms are continually brought to light for the world to witness.  None of which will be easy or comfortable to look at but as the veil is lifted and ‘the man behind the curtain’ is revealed, what lurks in the dark will continue to lose its grip.

Ultimately, the tide has already shifted in favor of the ONE, which means all that is divided must fall. For many, this cleansing tide may be difficult to witness, but for those with eyes to see, these waters will be most welcomed as the Earth is finally flooded with an abundance of Creator’s LOVE. 🤍

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