888 SuperGate: Rerouting to the Rainbow Realms

The 888 (rainbow) portal to the New Earth is now open and receiving all those of unified Love·Light which means anyone who has healed the inner divide, sufficiently increased their Light quotient, balanced their karmic debts, and zeroed out their ancestral/genetic lineages is welcome to enter the Cosmic Realms thru this gateway to participate in the Heaven on Earth hologram via the New Human (Christed) Heart Grid.

As this is a triple 8 supergate…8 day-8 month-8 year…we are entering into a whole new spacetime matrix with brand new Soul contracts that will serve to nullify our existing contracts connected to our first life missions.  This will amount to the finalization of any agreements t  hat we are no longer required to uphold which is opening up all new ways of BEing that correlate to new ways of DOing.  We are awakening to new levels & dimensions of Self that render these old metamorphic missions obsolete, yet the current Mercury retrograde cycle is calling us back to comb thru our contributions, disentangling any cords connecting us to the lower earth (matrix) experience.

This shift in service contracts will allow us to remember forth both the ancient & future aspects of self as they merge in the present to provide a more complete understanding of our New Earth role in this life and how to bring it into being.  As we are no longer tied to the old ways of doing we are stepping into new territory that now needs to be molded & defined and so the question becomes: what is special & unique about YOU/your calling?

Rerouting to the Rainbow Realms changes the very fabric of human existence as we hook into the Cosmic Current that fully propels us from a place of allowing over efforting.

This new version of Earth we are inhabiting is a Feminine-fueled reality structure which means there are no more answers to be found outside of ourselves.  The external structures that we depended on in duality are now obsolete and so we are in a new Self-contained vibrational space that requires us to completely Self Source, to pull from the vault of our own Creator power ALL that which is needed to lead our new lives as LOVE.

There will be a learning curve for the more logical among us, for others (creatives) it will feel as if your wings have finally unfurled, yet for all it will be an unmistakable change in creation dynamics that has no footing in the old.  The guidance is to use this sacred passage to reinforce your creative visions with the dynamic energies of Leo that will further support you to lean into this new (spiral) Creation system with confidence in your inherent capabilities to create the life that lives inside you.

As we move thru August there will be some bumps in the road but these will ultimately serve as speed bumps to ensure we are staying True to our higher visions as these New Earth Leadership contracts come into effect.  For those with whom this applies, know that what lies ahead is nothing like what lies behind which means you must Source this new blueprint entirely from within…as is the way of Divine Feminine Christ Creatorship.  There are no roadmaps, no examples, and best of all⇾ no restrictions…aside from those self-imposed.

And so we are invited to do things OUR way (the Aquarian way) as the need of the hour is inventiveness, originality, creativity, imagination…new examples for new ways of BEing & DOing all. the. things.   We are no longer tied to the systems of old that quash the human spirit, those days are behind us now. In its place, a clarion call for the all-new everything as  l i t e r a l l y  everything upon this planet will need to be uplifted & up-leveled to align with the incoming energies of the Aquarian Age.

I keep hearing “This is not your mother’s planet“…that this is an entirely new way of existing that is emerging thru this portal and that those ready, willing & able to walk thru it as LOVE (unified Love·Light) will be the first to benefit from what will amount to a whole new reality system. 🌈

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