Duality’s Death & the Ascension of the Mind

After having moved thru the 11:11 doorways out of duality last month, the 12:12 completion portals of December are now providing a powerful opportunity for those who crossed over to unhook from the mental matrix of the lower earth server (reality system) and ascend their mindscape to the consciousness of the Christ.

The ascension of the mind is an exclamation point at the end of 2024’s reclamation of Christ Consciousness…a graduation gift for all those who utilized this universal 8-year to reclaim their mental authority from the false forces.

Where last month’s energies provided us with the ability to ascend/reroute/restore our sacral (Creatrix) power to flow thru the Cosmic Mother (Womb of Life) portal via Scorpio Season, this month we have the celestial support to ascend/reroute/restore the (Creator) energy of the mind to flow thru the Cosmic Father (Mouth of GOD) portal.

These two gateways that are now open within the bodies of the ascending provide the essential sacred balance of Divine Masculine-Feminine/Christ-Christess Forces needed to restructure the physical level of life for all those ready to work with these higher Creation energies on Earth.

This means we are charting a new course for humanity, free of the lower mind/lower earth constructs that kept us tethered to the hologram of suffering.  In 2025 we set sail for new horizonless realms of boundless potential that offer the freedom to Create according to our unique blueprint/Soul’s plan without the distortions & disruptions of duality continually pulling us off course, preventing the fruition of our divine path.

And so this month, those on the Christed path will have the means to set themselves free from the multiple mind traps that served to derail our divine missions, preventing all those in Service to the ONE from utilizing the flow of our sacred Forces to Create our lives as they were originally intended to be (dharmic destiny).

We are officially unhooked from the level of life that guaranteed our suffering and reborn into a new level of Life that guarantees our triumphant success…our safety, our absolute replenishment, restoration & regeneration. This new level of Life is that of Home which ensures that all our needs are met, providing the freedom to fulfill our full human potential that is capped in the lower earth realms but beginning to blossom in the Higher Earth (cosmic) realms.

This (unhooking) is what will set you apart from those still steeped in suffering for you will have access to a world (level of consciousness) in which none of that matters any longer…a world in which suffering is seen simply as a stepping stone to liberation, to the reclamation of sovereignty.  This month of mental recalibration to our highest destiny ensures that we are locked into an entirely new database with new concepts & coordinates that connect to and communicate with the New Earth server.

For those (New Humans) with the matching coordinates, this will be a time of stepping away from every thought & thing that has ever led to suffering so that we can walk a new path as LOVE to begin the higher-level construction of Heaven on Earth against the backdrop of hell on Earth.  From this moment/month (of completion) forward, we are no longer a member of the divided world which means we are no longer required to participate in the game of life that capitalizes on it. 🎬

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