Settling into our New Earth Grooves…
Greetings NEI family! Instead of a full report this month, I am offering a July overview for a couple of reasons. On a practical level, and as many of you already know, my partner Leon had surgery on the solstice and his recovery is demanding my care for the next few weeks making it difficult to impossible to be fully present to The Divine Plan. But that’s just the surface-level reason.
More importantly, and since the eclipses, I have been feeling the deepest Heart-call to pull inward and to spend Cancer season (energetically) disconnecting from my first life mission work so that I am free & clear of all (old earth) cords & contracts to begin again, as LOVE, in the Galactic New Year (7/26). Of which, the Sirian/Lion’s Gate energies are already doling out our new orders for 2023 and as a result, I have also been feeling/hearing/sensing/seeing some next-level changes coming down the pike for The New Earth Institute that I need to be fully present to.
Included in those incoming divine downloads are the final details I’ve been waiting for to structure the new Rainbow (leadership) Level @NEI, which will then enable me to work out the technical requirements to make that a reality. I know some of you have been asking about this new venture and I greatly appreciate your patience while I gently unfold my wings and expand my capabilities.
After nearly two decades of darkwork (cave time) I need to be especially mindful of the ongoing life force requirements for my personal evolution/embodiment, monadic twin (relationship) union & ascension, and the energetic (anchoring) requirements for the planet…in addition to my work here @NEI…to ensure that I can responsibly sustain my growing light levels.
In fact, moving into this next phase, all Love·workers (space-holders) need to be both mindful and methodical to strike this vital, yet delicate balance to ensure that we are increasing our divine feminine power & capabilities within our multidimensional means to slowly build our new lives upon a secure & lasting foundation. Phase 2 (second life) is all about longevity…nurturing our commitment to creating a sustainable future for ourselves…and for the planet by proxy…with a consistent step-by-step, brick-by-brick approach that will stand the test of time.
Additionally, I have two new courses in the pipeline that I am trying/dying to finish as I know they will be helpful for this next leg of the journey, and so all things inside & out pointed to this now-moment to make a clean break from my past (mission work) and strategically reorient my focus & life force to my New Earth ventures.
As you will see in the monthly overview below, the time is ripe for this reallocation of life force for all of us to prepare for our New Earth lives & missions. For me personally, this is the first month in over 15 years of cosmic correspondence that I will not be (fully) reporting for duty ???? which not only feels extremely unnatural but also very liberating in the sense that the end of these old earth contracts has finally arrived.
I will return to the New Earth Report* after the Planetary New Year…beginning with the Lion’s Gate report in August…where we will collectively begin again via the new Time Cycle. Thank you in advance for your understanding while I disconnect from the old, reroute to the new, and figure out these next/new steps. Ultimately, so I can report on them. ????
*NOTE: I will continue to provide regular (tho likely shorter) energy, lunar & stargate updates in the NEI Study Group for Diamond Level members thru July.
July Overview
The most pressing energy of July…and the remainder of Cancer season…is that of “cosmic reconnection”⇾ reconnecting to our Cosmic Level Self at the physical level of life.
This month is considered our “collective regenesis” and today’s 7/7 stargate is presenting as the first of three “portals to our Divine DNA”. With each gateway, we are disconnecting from our karmic/familial lineages and reconnecting to our galactic, star lineages.
Where last month’s (666) stargates provided the directives to unlock the new genetic codes in our DNA to “unravel the beast system” (matrix), this month each 7·7 stargate has the potential to release us from the inheritances of our genetic ancestry so that we can re-bundle our DNA to align with our authentic Self. These 3 portals are stripping us bare so that we are prepared for the full activation of our divine DNA. Note that the DNA unravellings may evoke deep grief & heaviness/exhaustion in the body as the death energies surface to purge the remains of what’s now considered another “past life”. Cancer is never a joyride but you can rest assured that she will do her part to bring to the surface any unhealed pain lingering on our emoceanal floor. ????♋️
To that aim, and by the last 7·7 (on 7/25)…the day before the Galactic New Year…I am informed that we will be free of all genetic miasma preventing the actualization of our higher DNA & (unified) chakra system.
Actually, this whole month leading to the Galactic New Year is presented as a preparatory month for another major leap forward at the Lion’s Gate…a time for us to “settle into our New Earth grooves”, to secure our new foundations as LOVE, and to establish our Cosmic Level Self in the world of form.
We’ve been feeling the unsettledness of these timeline jumps to align with our true trajectory most notably since June, where July is more about healing the fracturing created from flip-flopping between 3, 4 & 5D that (unfortunately) was needed to zero out our genetic lineages (collapse & rewrite timelines) to align with the organic ascension. As we manifest more fully in the new, we are completing this (death & birth) separation cycle so we don’t have to continue going back & forth between separation & unity. This will permit us to forge ahead with our transformations + new beginnings with less resistance/interference to gain the much-needed momentum required for physical lift-off.
That said, and because we are still mid-jump, things are decidedly wobbly. As we dematerialize from the old earth and rematerialize in the new you may be feeling fragmented, ungrounded, absent-minded, physically depleted, or just plain all. over. the place. with pieces of yourself everywhere. This is frustrating as all get out, but normal and to be expected with any major timeline shift where it takes a minute to recollect our particles and re-establish ourcellves in the new reality. We will hit our stride midmonth…by the Capricorn full moon on 7/13…and (thankfully) rediscover our ability to manage life, albeit at this new/higher level which will, in fact, be the unified or Cosmic level of life.
Also, note that the incoming energies thru this entire (Cancer) lunar cycle (6/28 – 7/28) are encoded with the energy of “home” and so our blossoming this month is taking place within our Heartwomb…that which connects us to our true Home both on & off Earth (by way of our Cosmic & Earth Mother). This means that we will at once be feeling a deeper connection with our Home in the stars as well as a deepening of our new home on Earth…the latter of which will be at the forefront of this (universal 4) month of foundation building.
NOTE: Cancer season is notoriously about clearing our mother line (ancestral lineage), but this year we are also purging the inception point of all womb contracts (cords & attachments) and ancient womb trauma for the full return of our Alchemical/Creatrix power. (Womb contracts are agreements between soul family members to incarnate on Earth. These contracts are held in our bodies from every fetus we’ve ever carried to term or not, in any lifetime on Earth.) For those contracted to embody the “fallen angel template” we are also freeing our Heartwombs from trauma bonds this month⇾ those relationships (attraction points) created from narcissistic/parasitic dynamics that deliberately draw on the toxic masculine to destroy the Christess frequency. This releases us from multiple lifetimes of distortion that created repeated cycles of heartbreak + stolen life force and is presented as our shift from the Nephilim template to the Empress Template…the True template for the Divine Feminine Christ.
As we work to establish our New Earth foundations, we are simultaneously beginning a brand new (Time) cycle AS LOVE. In other words, we have now reconnected to the unified Love·Light frequencies…balanced in our masculine-feminine forces…which means we have (quantum level) access to our Cosmic Self to begin our new, galactic-level life in human form. (You may be receiving confirmation of this galactic-human hybridization in dreams, meditations, or even mirror gazing.)
As we begin this new level of (galactic) existence in human form, keep in mind that we are both the director as well as the producer of our lives on Earth. As the director of your life, you are the overseer…the governing force that guides your human-self at the physical level of life. Feb 2021 report:
At the oversoul level and higher, we become the ‘orchestrators’ of our destiny who wield the Force in support of our creations at the physical level, overseeing our own human expression. This is what I have referred to in the past as being our own puppeteer…only we are both the puppet and the puppet master.
This part of you not only directs your life but also the force of your life as you come into alignment with it. In other words, our Higher-Cosmic Level Self is the Source of our (Cosmic) Life Force which means our alignment with this part of Self is required to open to the full flow of Source energies. As we reconnect to these Cosmic energies (of Home) this month we are setting the stage so to speak, for the “production” of the next act of Creation to begin thru the Lion’s Gate.
The next act of Creation, therefore, is directed by YOU and produced by YOU…only you are not alone. Now that we are reconnected to our Cosmic Egg (monad)…via the Cosmic Umbilicus…we have the help of our entire House of Souls to assist us in the Creation of our new, Heart-centered life. This means that we are no longer “forsaken”…no longer left to do all the heavy lifting, but instead buoyed by our multidimensional Soul (i.e., Soul team/tribe/group/family/army, etc.)
Lastly, I will leave you with some galactic guidelines to assist you in moving thru this preparatory month as we all make our way to the new spiral (timeline) of Creation together:
▷ To begin with, know that this month is the establishment of our Cosmic fuel line, or “feeding tube” as mentioned prior. For those reconnecting to the Cosmic Self, this means that we have completed our work with duality and have graduated to the ascended realms of existence by which our nourishment is provided by GOD. As we make our way from the separated system of sustenance to the “solar system” of sustenance we move from the linear creation model to the circular creation model (torus)…the latter of which is Self-Sourcing & Self-sustaining.
▷ This Self-Sourcing Creation model is requisite for self-healing, self-regeneration & self-repair which will be at the forefront thru Cancer. This is presenting as our season to bask in these restorative energies, to begin to (re)connect with the True Source of Life in form, and to feel the regenerative properties as they fill every cell of our being. It’s vitally important to take a step back and create personal space during this sacred time to receive the galactic guidance needed to break free of all suffering contracts…from the entire Piscean Age ultimately…by which many of us incarnated over & again to free humanity from slavery. For this, the recommendation is a personal time-out where possible…an intentional moment to utilize these cosmic influxes to drop anchor, to stabilize in your (toroidal) field. As you do you will not only secure your own footing, but you will also be instrumental in catalyzing & stabilizing this major shift point for all of humanity.
▷ Remember that we are not only realizing our full potential as a galactic-human hybrid, but that we are also becoming the complete version of ourselves. The embodiment process ensures with each turn around the spiral, that we are becoming more and more authentic…more and more distilled down to the absolute pure essence of who we always felt ourselves to be. This transition into Cosmic Consciousness is both expansive as well as defining which means we are simultaneously becoming more galactic and more human…getting to know ourselves on a larger/higher level while also becoming more connected to & intimate with our human level. And as we learn to navigate these worlds within worlds, so too will the world around us morph to reflect this beautiful, dynamic, enigma of Self.
Wishing you a productive, healing month of cosmic reconnection…see you at the Lion’s Gate! 8️⃣????8️⃣
Well first of all let me say… GO Lauren****:)))
I am so very Grateful that you are perfectly demonstrating similar messages that I AM receiving.
Sitting in my GARDEN.. Watering this Morning..7/7… being shown NEW Heart Directives. and the UNplug required in this moment…
Words simply can’t describe the Love and Joy your comments above bring…
DEEPEST GRATITUDE :))) May your time stepping away be Miraculous!!!
???? feeling it!
I Literally wrote these words to a friend via text this morning prior to reading your update:
“ The task master has been lining us up and keeping us moving with all of our creations here… new baby chickens, harvesting crops, 4 rooms growing , greenhouse , making bread, making homemade butter, gonna try my hand at homemade yogurt today or tomorrow (gotta a raw milk hook up from a local milk share – small farm), flea mitigation (darn little f’ers) , working as a nurse from home (loving it), yard work… that’s about it ????????????????
Literally from 8a-ish until 11p daily –
I think we’re creating here for New Earth – does that make sense?? That’s how it’s been feeling ♥️
The days are flying by, but are joy filled ????”
(The “task master” is my partner- he’s always looking at the next thing to get done- daily ????)
Glad to know I’m (we’re) right in line with the new earth timeline ????
Thank you Lauren ♥️
In Joy this time for You (and Leon).
Hi Danielle
You have a lot of homemade new creation???? same here! This year, We are growing a lot of blackberries, veggies. Flowers, herbs. Homemade lavender/ rose/ herb potpourri/ essence, skincare, etc. we are going to make essential oils soon????????
Feeling “ const creativity “blessings to new ???? ❤️
Thank you, Lauren. Peace, Blessings, and Love☮️✝️????
????????✨THANK ????????????✨n Belated HBD ???? ???? May all you want & need be ever overflowing. ????✨Much Love to U.✨????????????????????????????
Dear Lauren…enjoy the unfolding of those wings… all of us too! Ever grateful for your divine input. Much love & healing to you, Leon & ALL of us! xx
Wishing Leon a blessed recovery.
I was surprised that this affirmed an overall feeling/awareness for me of the galactic realm and sending an appreciation for them, the light.
Love and light Lauren.
Many deep thanks for your profound words. Much Love, Light and Healing for Leon. Be blessed. Greetings, Pieter-Geert
Thanks, Lauren. Love to you! Enjoy this sacred time. ????????????
Thank you, Lauren. I see peach sunsets and butterflies on my way.
Thank you, Lauren!
Amazing and so timely. And exactly on the first of the 3 portals this month. I send warmest healing wishes for a flourishing recovery for Leon. and a magical rejuvenation for you.
@lauren “access to our Cosmic Self to begin our new, galactic-level life in human form. (You may be receiving confirmation of this galactic-human hybridization in dreams, meditations, or even mirror gazing.)” I had a dream that an entire galaxy was trying to center Itself into the center of my body but “men” were pulling me apart by my arms so the galaxy couldn’t land. The next night I had the same dream, but the men were gone and the galaxy settled in peacefully and happily!
And this sentence brought me to tears. Tears of relief and of releasing all the sorrow that came with those feelings of being alone- “This means that we are no longer “forsaken”…no longer left to do all the heavy lifting, but instead buoyed by our multidimensional Soul (i.e., Soul team/tribe/group/family/army, etc.)”
Have a beautiful healing time with Leon and for yourself. I am excited for our next phase and appreciate your gifts enormously! xoK
Thank you Lauren!! ????
Thank you @lauren. I’ve had so much come “online” since the middle of June. You speak to all of it. Even what I see mirror gazing. Stay well and thank you. ❤️
Thank You beloved Sister Lauren xoxo
In total gratitude and delight to read…. and fully understand ….. what you have written.
I AM Living this Now.
Wishing Leon a very speedy recovery – and you too, as well.
Abundant Blessings to you both.
Many thanks Lauren ????
Oh @lauren!! ????????????
Once again your presence and energy have me in awe! Your words, thoughts and insight in this report penetrate every fiber of my being, again validating and reassuring my path, leaving me near speechless. Thank you! ????????!
I am deeply and profoundly feeling not just what you have shared re the upcoming July energies, but too, feeling appreciative of all you have journeyed and ARE journeying through to be of service to humanity.
I cannot imagine how you manage to move perpetually with grace and aplomb (and remain standing and functional! ????☺️ through the crushing updown energies and demands this ascension process has brought forth … through the on-going myriad responsibilities and challenges you face as a Wayshower, leader, translator/writer, warrior and Loveworker … through the continued birthing process of your visionary NEI ????, ALL THE WHILE navigating the waters of your own personal evolution and embodiment. You are incredibly powerful; an extraordinary and gifted woman in service to ALL and this community WHO LOVE YOU DEARLY. ????????
Thank you, thank you for you being YOU and for all you do to bring this information to us❣️
I COULDN’T be HAPPIER that you are taking more time for YOURSELF! If you were me, you’d be needing a whole lot more than a few weeks to put yourself into new wholeness, lol. It would be more like MONTHS for me to put myself into reset- mode. ????????????
Warmest love as you disconnect from the old and reroute to the new! Biggest hugs to both you and Leon, with well wishes to Leon as he moves forward into ease and renewal. ???? ✨????????????
This feels SO right, Sister. And as usual, we are aligned. I”m also taking a step back and inward for this particular phase, which feels like the BIG climax, the one we’ve been waiting for. I honor and celebrate your inward time and your break from the usual report. I find this incredibly hopeful and promising as well, as I know you’ve never done it before. SO excited for ALL of us! So much LOVE, Lauren and Heart Family! See you on the Other Side, in our NEW Lives!
Thank you dear Lauren ! ???????? ❤
Thank you Lauren, for this great report and All of your wonderful creations. Sending you and Leon lots of love/light, for your healing/care giving journey together. Blessings, Carol
Oceans of Love and the bestowal of Benevolent Blessings for all that you bring wrapped up in the Being that is you. Thank you ????????????
Thank you Lauren! ????
Dearest Lauren ✨???????? So so happy for your reset time and so much gratitude for every moment of your presence and love for all these years! I wouldn’t be here without you and you are an astonishing love warrior of infinite strength and light????????✨ So excited for what’s next and for all of us and sending so much love, rest and new-life sparkles for us all, after everything, and for everything else ???? ✨????????✨
Thank you, Lauren ~
So very grateful for you! Excited for the next phase and steps. Sending you both much love!
Lauren, What an amazing soul, you are showing the way thank you so very much for all of these years and your first last mission. I am glad I found you, but I have told you that already…. ???? I will be present for the following to come.
I am away for a few days coming home….
Much LOVE to both of You.
Thank you Lauren for the beautiful Messages
“Love·Light frequencies…balanced in our masculine-feminine forces…”
I saw m/f merge dancing and balancing on the grace of the mother
Also saw the same seen as you expressed in your photo! Both are swallowtails ????!
Blessings ????????
Thank you Lauren this is exactly what I have been feeling, being and doing .
Love it
Damn. Good gracious. Talk about new Galactic-Human Self. New place is gold marble or marble-ized, moons&suns mirrors&mirrors electric color healing elements feng shui soon some art… whoo am iiii ?! If someone told me my new living space would look like Richard Pryor’s apartment in 1988, I would have been enraged. Who am I now? I am easy like the Ocean, can ride water not just swim in it (no past no sea sickness). Atlantic Ocean is soooo helpful already been to islands twice. Feminine water! Crying today, I mourn END of maternal soul contracts, that I don’t exactly know. Birth mother hasn’t allowed me in, her life, yet. Yet I KNOW her, she knows me. No idea what happens. But MAN, EVERYTHING IS HAPPENING. Thank you Lauren for ALL your reporting.????????
Dear beautiful Lauren…thankyou for being such a wonderful messenger for me, for all. Love, light and a blessed recovery for Leon and the power of love carrying you through this time. Love always xxx
When I first read this “For those contracted to embody the “fallen angel template” we are also freeing our Heartwombs from trauma bonds this month⇾ those relationships (attraction points) created from narcissistic/parasitic dynamics that deliberately draw on the toxic masculine to destroy the Christess frequency. ”
I thought why on earth would we want to attract the toxic masculine that destroys the Christess frequency. However, It made its way through me until I recognized the truth of it all in me….and realized that I held this named template.
I came to integrate this truth which immediately got me to connect SO MANY dots. My love and affectionate life story suddenly became clear, made sense with clear comprehension, planets aligned within as to why I had felt so much heart break all of this life and two love relationships so damn hard to release……
So since I am releasing the template, I cut the bonds of two remaining toxic emotional ties I was still holding within despite what I had already processed all these years, months, weeks, days. I also cleared my bond to Coffee…..emotional toxic (for my cells) bond…..
Busy past week during this month of July for the sake of MOTHER and the Cosmic Life Force that is finding a clean(er) place to settle into. Honestly I don’t know what else such as a major release is to appear for that sake, I am surely VERY happy that this one is now seen and I am processing the release.
As we go in the far depth of this process, sometimes I fall on my ass for I realize the warriors WE TRULY ARE without knowing at all that WE WERE…quite the contrary for me holding the low esteem at some level however honestly not knowing is a true protection.