Taurus New Moon + Solar Eclipse Update…

The (Taurus) new moon solar eclipse is upon us…Saturday (4/30)…and the pressure of evolution is already palpable. Tests & triggers have begun to initiate us thru this powerful…I even want to say magical…new beginning point that is calling forth our newly reclaimed self-love, worth & value.  Venus is the ruler of this eclipse…also the ruler of this universal 6 (harvest) year by proxy…and extremely celestially supported right now, but also keep in mind that we have all been deeply reprogrammed during her recent retrograde journey in which we lifted our Hearts to a higher spiral/vibration of unconditional (self) LOVE.

From this, our relationship to Self has been radically transformed which fundamentally changes how we relate to/with others and the world around us.  Honoring this evolution through relationships is key right now…the outer gauge of our inner resolve to get fully behind ourSelves and stay true to our Hearts, no matter what.  Anything that is blocking this LOVE from entering our cells will get loud so that we can shift, rewrite, and eliminate patterns that are not serving our highest good. 

As we ground into our New Earth Operating System thru Taurus (Tree of Life) Season we are grounding deeper into our (torus/taurus) Heart field, anchoring the strength of this deeper Self LOVE into our bodies and the physical structures of our lives.  In the Unified Chaka system, the lower 3 chakras are merged with the Heart so that we are literally “rooted in LOVE”…something you may begin to identify as very Taurus, and very stabilizing.

Taurus is a fixed Earth sign that embodies the principle of substance (Love)….the feminine aspect of GOD.  It is the matrix (container) that absorbs the impact of consciousness (Light)….the masculine aspect of GOD…projected outward by Aries.  This combination of earth & fire has been forging a deeper, more em·bodied level of em·powerment that we will fortify thru the eclipses so that the core of our Aries confidence (worth) can now be firmly rooted in our (torus/taurus) LOVE⇾ as it was originally intended to be.

And even tho the first eclipse this weekend is a new moon, there is also a strong energy of closure presenting while we simultaneously focus on nourishing the new growth in our lives.  We may need to walk some things out at the physical level to see them thru to completion…perhaps even repeat situations from this time last year when we had just ascended the masculine structures of the Heart from hell (on an emotional level.  But we’ve already broken the mold.  This year we are raising the Heart up at the physical…perhaps even biological…level which means we are ready now to let things go, to forgive, to find compassion & completion in our embodiment of self LOVE, where are authentic power is Sourced.

During the solar to lunar eclipse window (4/30-5/16), it is critical that we listen to and honor the call of the Heart, above all else.  If you’re ready for the higher rung of the spiral, then you need not mingle in the lower realities…even as you continue to seal up the past, to cut any remaining karmic cords and/or tie up any loose ends.  The Cosmic Mother has returned which means this can all be effectively achieved with compassionate detachment now.

If you’ve renounced your first life mission (thru Holy Week) and ended your contract with suffering, you must now abide by your decree to no longer partake…to no longer participate with the thoughts that create suffering (masculine), OR to take on the suffering of others as your own (feminine).  We have fulfilled our part in the divine plan which means we are FREE to RISE.  The repeated message is that the work is done at that level and true liberation is ours…tho it may take a concerted effort for your human to fully let go & trust.

This is how we resolve to let go of all karmic contracts:

  • First & foremost, know with every fiber of your being that your role is complete at the (causal) level.
  • Repetitively, consistently, and consciously choose to NOT go down those old, well-worn paths that lead to mental anguish and emotional suffering…tempting as they can be.  These choices should be very clear to you at this point.
  • Stay self-contained.  In relationships with others, “stay in your own lane”.
  • Focus on your own healing, replenishment & release from causality.
  • Cut any remaining cords of energy drain, lest the severance be thrust upon you. ????
  • Remember you are FREE.  Then remember to remind yourself that you are FREE.

The work now is in refusing to take on what we have habitually…it is the rewrite required and what the solar eclipse is helping us to absolve. This is the reboot of consciousness referenced in this month’s report ⇊…the (mental) release from “suffering contracts” that are being eliminated thru eclipse/resurrection season.

That next (Taurus) new moon cycle/eclipse begins with a reboot/shift of consciousness that is showing as the preparation (codes) required for our emotional emancipation and even physical liberation to follow thru the 5:5 stargates of May. There is something special about this eclipse that is opening up powerful new potentials to flourish.

In fact, this week’s eclipse is presenting as a continuation…or maybe the next step…of the total solar eclipse that took place on 12/4/21.  Where that eclipse was our consciousness shift to the New Earth (GOD) Grid, this (partial) eclipse is our opportunity to override the Age of Pisces programming, to restart our reality (our regenesis) in alignment with the New Earth timeline…on the ground level.  We then move straight into Mercury retrograde on May 10th…in Gem·in·i no less…for a perfectly timed diamond mind recalibration.

Overall we are being asked/pushed to use this powerful eclipse portal to really anchor into this freedom now, to power up our full potential to elevate ourselves beyond the realm of suffering.  Quite literally the only thing we have left to do is to stay in remembrance of our hard-earned freedom…but as always, these choice points will present in many ways & forms, depending on what we personally need to rise to the higher realms of existence.  May is also showing as another “big push of plasmic light body activations” which likely means we will have another month of strong solar & geomagnetic activity helping us to seal the deal.

As these Lightbody activations & DNA upgrades continue it’s important to focus on your own well begin and becoming.  This is a massive moment of change…especially on the cellular level…so be sure to shut out the noise of the outside world and seek solace when needed to re-group, re-centre, and regain peace & calm.

Finally, remember that we are safe in our merkaba/ascension beyond the lower world…that our security lives on the New Earth timeline which is where our focus permanently resides now.  Any time you are tempted to take the path of suffering…or to take on the suffering of another…remember these words: I. AM. FREE. That is all we need to know now.  Keep that affirmation/mantra with you at all times and you will create the neural pathways needed to start anew.

Wishing you a truly magical, emancipating eclipse!



p.s. In case you missed my update, this helpful decree was offered on the 44 gateway:   “I command the release of all first life contracts.  I renunciate my role as a servant of suffering and RISE to reclaim my true standing in the Office of the Christ.  No longer am I willing to take on or uphold the suffering of others as my own.  I am free of sin, free to reclaim my original identity & destiny as LOVE. And so it IS.”   And if you haven’t already, be sure to visit the “Renunciation of First Life Contractsdiscussion thread in the NEI Study Group!


  1. The very theme today for me was and is “Relationship”….very important/necessary and thorough FEEL into it  I am receiving…..to walk the path of Freedom????

  2. I am FREE! Last night I noticed a few times when I slipped into suffering and asked God to help. There was an almost immediate shift out of the feeling. Is it really that easy now?! xoxo thanks LG.

  3. Thank you so much Lauren!

    SO MUCH being felt about finally having the chains removed that have kept me in my prison of a black hole.
    Literally, that’s what is was.
    I am feeling ENORMOUS!!
    My physical body has puffed up so big I am almost in shock.
    Loving it all through this with far more skill than ever before…so sick of trying to fit some ideal magazine…
    But it isn’t exactly comfortable!!!! ????

    And the sugar cravings are roaring like a Lion!
    Not a good thing when you don’t want to feed things in your body that thrive off of it but what is a Goddess to do!!

    1. Remember your loved unconditionally by the Goddess, no matter what. I to have craved sugar for the past five years, almost like a hummingbird! This too shall pass and remember, judging ourselves Is more damaging than anything we can put in our bodies.

      1. Oh Stan , thank you ! ????
        How I know this, and as I said I am doing it.. loving it all…
        But I signed up for intestinal candida, and black mold in the brain… not a good combo with sugar…a bit of a conundrum!
        Trusting !!!

  4. Whew!! As always I am in deep gratitude for your words Lauren and all you bring through to share with us. I was just about to “take on” helping a friend move through her suffering contracts and this helped me easily make an about turn in detached compassion. I had been in that place and then just yesterday I got tempted to try and help somehow. One last test it seems to make sure I truly renunciate any last threads to my role as a servant of suffering. “No longer am I willing to take on or uphold the suffering of others as my own.” I already feel the difference!!!!????????????????????????

    1. Katherine, I want to express you my gratitude as well as to SPIRIT for your post presented me with the push I needed. I was living the same scenario where I was going to take on a service contract to help someone thru his suffering……from an innocent place however out of tune with my TRUE journey, now I see/feel. So I cancelled this service contract yesterday as well as another event that I thought was not placed as a good timing…..on my journey.
      Then during this past night I was woken up at 2.22 am. On the Cosmic clock (that i was initiated to), 222 is the archetype for the “original substance” aka Cosmic Egg. From that moment, I took the decree again and broke it down in parts and FELT through the parts that were not assimilated…..integrated….yet then the breakthrough….followed up this morning. How profound, powerful THE FIELD dynamic is……????????

  5. Oh My God “I. AM. FREE. That is all we need to know now. Keep that affirmation/mantra with you at all times and you will create the neural pathways needed to start anew.”
    I felt today the need to pronounce clearly and loud these words AS the starting bell of my new life has rang loud today with my departure to Barcelona XoX
    Also, I have the odd feeling I have stepped on a “no time “zone… realllllly weird feeling….
    Love to all, thank you sooo much Lauren

  6. Thank you so much Lauren. ????
    Back in January I started saying “I Am Unicorn, I Am Free. I am ALL I was meant to Be.
    Every time I said it to myself I felt so good. I kept it up until March and then kablam! kablooey!
    On Monday Yesterday) I finally began to feel light-heated again.
    So I’m going to go back to saying my mantra again, now that I’ve released myself.
    My Christ, Unicorn and Shadow work are a powerful trinity of LOVE that have provided me with a first life wisdom I can share with growing confidence going forward. Through art and words.

    Very much ???? and gratitude,

  7. Thank you for this timely reminder Lauren. I have to admit I’m really struggling here, as although I know it’s over….on the outer my life hasn’t changed a single bit from 20 years ago. I’m still waiting for my life to begin…..

    Not easy choosing out when there is nothing to live for! I’ll keep trying to hold my head above the water and choose out of the last 20 years….only thing I can do…one foot in front of the other. Thank you for your ongoing support ????????

  8. Thank You Lauren ???????? It resonates. I feel deep in my heart that the most important thing right now is to remind myself, that I don’t have to take on the suffering of other people (who hasn’t done the work) and that I am FREE. Reclaiming my freedom and my own wellbeing is my role now ????????????

  9. Your every word is COMMANDING, As The Force, Dear Lauren!!!  And I LOVE the images (header and Tree of Life) accompanying your words so perfectly.  I join you in saying it’s a magical beginning point…as I stand HERE with YOU and ALL!

  10. @Lauren you have no idea how fricking on point this is for me right now. This past weekend was pure hell as I was writhing in agony – rage, terror, tears, etc. On the third night (just got the Easter reference here) I decided to surrender to it and recalled being in labor with my kids. It was EXACTLY like this. Alone in my rage, terror, and tears. Pacing the house while in inner spirit/mind agony. When I understood that I was in labor – birthing myself, I surrendered and finally slept.

    Monday became a day of deep release and purging. Doing deep shamanic releases and meditations. The culmination of all this (so far) is the willingness and readiness to leave it all behind. I’m done with hard. I’m done suffering for a “mission” that never really bore fruit. All of this coincides with my third week of literally ZERO incoming financial resources. What little there was has dried up to nothing. Every effort I have put forth to put life into this “mission” has simply turned to dust in the wind. I’m done. I’m ready.

    That’s not to say I won’t grieve and I won’t be triggered (as I was this morning by a well-meaning FB post). But I get it. I see it. It’s complete.

    So now I sit. Now I wait. Now I watch. I know that what is coming toward me is already on its way. I also know it will not show up because of my efforting. I have also seen/felt in meditation what this new life will FEEL/BE like. So I will simply BE and meditate on those feelings as my new life is brought to me on a silver platter. 🙂

    Amen. Amen. So Mote it be!

  11. Thank you for this update. As usual very useful as clear navigation instructions. A return to Love is our destination. ❤️????

  12. After reading some posts here I realize that I did not go to the bottom of “I renunciate my role as a servant of suffering”. I very recently thought that by serving AS LOVE and being a bridge for those who want to walk to the BRIDGE , I am serving  LOVE and not suffer.. But now my human self is stumbling. I hear behind “so then what/who/how will I serve”…..I have a vision that comes when I come with this question and that is a BIG ONE….as a fully embodied hybrid being…
    my human stumbles….tho….. I would  appreciate your input Lauren at least for the first part. TY.

    1. Went for a woke, it helped me see/feel/be in touched with the enormity and digest the mixed feelings – The depth of the servant of suffering I have been and the highs I FEEL thru letting go, renunciation…it can’t be any other way, so emotional, I know/recognize the Emotion of the highs, my heart knows it very well…..

  13. thanks so much!…so well-put…!

    …getting off the StRUGGLE-bus lol! bc…I AM FREE!!!

  14. Thank you for the updated information. I feel differently, and the decree really acts as a release and a sense of neutrality, as something different and different from the previous perception, but familiar to the soul.

  15. Feeling all of this so very deeply – thank you for this wonderful update Lauren, it is so appreciated! ????✨????✨

  16. Again this is ultra timely.
    Today ( Thursday) honors The Holocaust. While this is my personal history, every tribe most everywhere has suffered brutal episodes

    Never again! might actually be accurate this time. At least for many more than ever before

    I have told my grandkids that the point of this day is the importance to get along. AKA love

    I feel privileged to be part of NOW and fortunate to have clues about what’s happening

  17. I was triggered yesterday (mostly, these triggers come out of the blue and are external events for me).
    I wasnt thrown but I was disappointed because I thought this stuff was over.

    Then I remembered this post. I reread it. It was very helpful. So, again, thank you for the heads up.
    I notice, as I sit here pondering, that my emotional body has never been allowed to just relax. I can clearly see that I am living in a state of ptsd.
    It has been subtle. But today I can clearly see that I have never really been able to just be.
    Having said that, I really believe that my beliefs and my constitution allow me to be more than the avg human (years of comparison caused by a lifetime of reading people places and things as my natural way of life).
    My guess is that now that I can see the outline of this ptsd I have the access to release it.

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