Essential Benefits
As mentioned in the last section, there are many reasons to activate & work your Diamond Light Grid technology, most of which you will discover as you tailor it to your own needs and/or by the guidance of your Higher Self.
That said, one of the first things you will notice when working with the intelligence of your Diamond Lightbody Matrix is that it helps you to secure the necessary boundaries needed to seal your field, rendering you impervious to denser/discordant energies with practice. By its very nature, your Diamond Grid offers an impenetrable structure…a “Source field” of protection...needed to safeguard your evolutionary experience thru the vulnerable stages of Lightbody expansion.
In this way, the DLG technique can be effectively used to create an energetic chrysalis of sorts, a safe haven needed while undergoing the intensive metamorphic process and/or while interfacing with the world at large.
Here are some other essential benefits of the Diamond Lightbody Grid:
- Empowers you to use your own consciousness to enter into the full development of your Lightbody
- Guides & supports you to build a proper gateway to invite Higher/Cosmic frequencies into your life
- Establishes a matrix of energy to house your GOD like state, your Temple/Template of Perfection
- Secures the foundation for your New Earth existence (i.e. your transition to a higher plane of reality)
- Allows you to more comfortably handle the superconductive frequencies of your Source Self
- Assists you to welcome other cosmic inflows of energy & information without frying your nervous system
- Enables you to continually update your operating system to more easily move through energetic shifts
- Serves as an exceptional instrument for calibration needed to align your body field with the Source field
- Creates an essential conduit to receive & distribute more current to enhance your Creatorship Capacity
- Aids in management of Life Force energy, increasing your the power to manifest your Higher calling
- Aligns you with a greater, clearer, and more defined sense of purpose to crystallize your Life Mission
- Harmonizes your connection to Earth’s crystalline grid, opening your access to the Planetary Records
- Enables you to assist others in their healing without taking on their emotional distortions or suffering
- Helps to anchor a stable & balanced core of Source energy, fortifying your inner strength & resilience
- Forges your connection with the Mind of GOD, illuminating your consciousness with (crystal) clarity
- Reunites you with your Soul Family, forging the connection between your multidimensional aspects
- Activates the immortal body matrix, facilitating the (Source) frequencies needed for transfiguration
- Establishes the necessary vehicle (Merkaba) for multidimensional (rainbow body) Soul travel